ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) is an effective method where male factor is the cause of infertility. It involves injecting a sperm directly into the egg for fertilization. The process is similar to that of IVF but differs in the way the egg is fertilized. In IVF, the sperm fertilizes the egg on its own in the laboratory. But in case of men with low, abnormal or no sperm count or ejaculation problems, the sperm is unable to fertilize the egg normally. As such it needs to be injected into the egg to fertilize it. In such cases ICSI is the only option.
Ideal Candidate for ICSI
In many cases of IVF, the sperm is unable to get to the egg or even if it does get to the egg it is not able to fertilize it for some reason. In ICSI the sperm does not have to travel to the egg nor does it have to penetrate it to fertilize it.
Thus it is an effective method of treatment for men who have the following conditions.
- Very low sperm count
- Poor morphology or motility of sperm
- Prior history of vasectomy or injury such that sperm can’t be ejaculated. In such cases the sperm is collected from the testicles or epididymis
- Ejaculation or erection problems due to spinal cord injuries or
Procedure The procedure is same as that carried out in IVF treatment Know more about IVF. The only difference lies in the method of fertilization of the egg. The process involves
- Stimulation of ovaries or Super ovulation using fertility drugs to produce several mature eggs.
- Retrieval of eggs from ovary when they are ready for collection.
- Sperm Extraction: This can be done by ejaculating a sample specimen. If the sample contains no sperm then it can extracted using a fine needle under an anaesthetic from the
- Epididymis- known as PESA (Percutaneous Sperm Aspiration)
- Testicles – known as TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)
- Testicular Tissue- small quantity of testicular tissue is removed and sperm extracted known as TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)
- Individual sperm is then isolated and injected into the egg
- The eggs get fertilized the next morning and divide to form embryos.
- One to three best quality embryos are transferred to the womb
- Unused good quality embryos are stored for future use in case the first cycle fails.
Benefits of ICSI
In many cases of IVF, the sperm is unable to get to the egg or even if it does get to the egg it is not able to fertilize it for some reason. In ICSI the sperm does not have to travel to the egg nor does it have to penetrate it to fertilize it. Thus is it an effective method of treatment for men who have the following conditions
- Very low sperm count
- Poor morphology or motility of sperm
- Prior history of vasectomy or injury such that sperm can’t be ejaculated.
- In such cases the sperm is collected from the testicles or epididymis
- Ejaculation or erection problems due to spinal cord injuries or diabetes etc
ICSI is one of the Specialized techniques used in ART and has significant success rates. Success also depends on the associated fertility problem and age. Fix up an appointment with our fertility specialist who can give you personalized assessment of your chances of conception and the right treatment procedure for you.